Ok, so this sucks. I haven't screwed anything up yet, not really. I sewed the sides of the skirt together and did the bottom hem. The sides came out decent enough, the hem....... notsomuch. Can you say tad uneven? I know that you can! What's done is done, I nearly broke my back trying to pin the fabric down for the hemline. 42 pins all the way around. Someone remind me again why I decided to do this? Oh, yeah, I wanna be super mom. Sheesh.
So there are no pictures this time. I took a bunch and they came out so bad because of lighting that it just makes my monstrosity look even worse lol. However, I'm about to tackle putting on the elastic, which should be fun. I wanted the waist to look gathered, so I cut the waistline of the skirt to be 3 times Ebbie's waist size. Something tells me it's going to come out looking bunchy instead of gathered, but at this point, I DO have a backup plan. A pretty, wide lace curtain pullback that is JUST Ebbie's waist size that I can sew over top of it if it looks too terrible LOL.
So here's the order I plan to do:
Elastic at the waist
Swoopy things on the sides..... or maybe I should do those first? Have to think about that one.....
Ok...... redo:
Cut and hem swoopy things, then sew them together
Sew them to the upper hemline of the skirt
THEN do the elastic.
Perhaps that will work better. I still haven't figured out what to do with the top of the dress. My neighbors husband suggested I go get a Bedazzler. How a man knows about those things, I will never know..... and the fact that he remembered the actual name...... wow...... guess it's a Navy thing LOL. I guess I've still got time, about 4 weeks, to figure it out.
Ok, here it is, about an hour later. I leaned towards elastic first so I went ahead with that. It was probably a mistake, but I'll make it work lol. I've made cutouts of the swoopies. I decided instead of making 2 separate pieces of each layer to do one like an oblong donut to sew to the waist. Probably another mistake, but I'll make it work. Can you see the white trash princess idea starting to really take shape? So now I have to hem both sides of each swoop and then attach them to the waist, that should be the really fun part cause all of this cloth is like rayon and slippery lol. YAY! *note sarcasm* This project is ALMOST DONE. I feel as though I'm on a mission now to complete this today. If it gets done today, then YES, I'm NEVER sewing again. J/k. Or am I? Maybe next time I'll just use a pattern.
Fun Fun Fun. WT Princess is really super coming together now. I hemmed all the swoopys. I lost patience because I cannot hem a rounded edge to save my life so now it looks horrible..... well not really but it looks very amateur. I guess it won't really matter on Halloween night when it's dark and people are just going to see the basic quick glance of it, eh? le sigh. I'm on a mission to get this done today. So pictures WILL be on here. And hopefully, once it's all done, I can put it on Ebbie and take a pic and see just how WT she really looks.
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