Have you ever had one of those mornings? You know, the ones where you wake up refreshed because you went to bed at a reasonable hour? Where you get up, get a shower and feel so nice and clean? You sit down in the early morning silence with your cup of coffee and enjoy the sunrise (what you can see through the clouds). You smell the fresh autumn breeze blowing at you (or gusting at you). You feel at peace with yourself and your surroundings..... and then you hear "MOMMY! IZZY'S GOT BOOGERS!". Le sigh. Yes, this was my morning. I went to bed at 10pm last night. I got up at 5:30 after a nice full peaceful night's sleep because even though Izzy and Ebbie are both sick, they both sleep right through now. I got up, took myself a nice warm shower and had a nice quiet breakfast. I packed Ebbie's lunch for school. Still no sounds of stirring upstairs, YES! I make my coffee and proceed to enjoy a peaceful cup of coffee and a cigarette outside, where the temperature is about 68 and the air is moving a little swiftly but it's nice. There's a nice sunrise this morning and it looked spectacular because of the dark clouds scattered. It was wonderful. Then I heard the above phrase through the baby monitor. Yes, they were both awake, though I had heard nothing from them. My guess is they had been watching TV in Izzy's room. Ebbie can't stand to see Izzy's nose run in the slightest. So I go upstairs to wipe her nose and find her entire face encrusted. Wonderful. Thus began my wonderful (sarcasm) morning.
I get Izzy cleaned up and downstairs to breakfast. I get Ebbie her clothes out and she wants to get dressed downstairs. Fine, whatever. I proceed to tell her to get dressed.... 18 million times.... over the course of the next half hour. She is wearing a little t shirt for pajamas and is claiming that she is warmer in that than she would be in a reg shirt and jeans and socks. Shut up kid and get dressed! Izzy is eating bananas and smearing them all over her freshly cleaned face, at this point it's hard to determine if anything on her face is snot because, well you know, smooshed bananas and boogers kinda look the same.
About 15 minutes before it was time to take Ebbie over to school, I gave her her antibiotics and told her to brush her teeth. Her response was "I'm too slow to brush my teeth." Huh? What does that have to do with the price of eggs in China? I told her I don't care if it takes her 15 minutes or an hour, she's brushing her own teeth cause she's a big girl. She proceeds to get in a huff, stomp in the bathroom, attempts to stomp onto the step stool and promptly lands flat on her butt. I laughed. She cried. I said "are you hurt?" She said "No." "Why are you crying?" "I'm sad." "Why are you sad?" "I don't know." I laugh harder. She gets up, finally brushes her teeth, we finish getting her ready for school, I clean Izzy up and get her dressed. I now have 5 minutes left to sit and hopefully enjoy quiet because the neighbors kids are out front and Ebbie hangs out with them before we all go over to the school. Ebbie is off playing, Izzy is contently sitting in the stroller waiting for our morning stroll. Ebbie comes over and........ her pants are around her knees and all she says is "oops." So I run upstairs and get her belt. Grumbling, I put it on her and tell her she needs to gain some weight. I walk her over to school.
On the way back from the school, the clouds parted and the sun began to shine. Izzy's nose is miraculously not running. The gusty wind has died down to a breeze. Yes, oh yes, it's going to be a beautiful morning after all.
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